About me

We all need time to play.

Play is so important! Taking the time to create and engage with something or someone without a planned outcome can be so good for our creative minds.

My personal outlets of play range from fashion to working with clay to exploring new parts of the city! I am also a big fan of snuggling up on the couch with my Switch and having a cozy game night. However it may come, I am always welcoming play into my life.

“Draw a crazy picture,

Write a nutty poem,

Sing a mumble-gumble song,

Whistle through a comb.

Do a loony-goony dance

‘Cross the kitchen floor.

Put something silly in the world

That ain’t been there before.”

- Shel Silverstein


A little more about me:

At my core I am a lover of people, explorer of the world, artist, and self proclaimed master of play. I think life should be full of connection, adventures and kindness.

I enjoy talking to strangers, changing my hair color, writing poetry, traveling anywhere and everywhere, and hanging out with my reptile babies.

I created this website as a space to share my work but also to inspire others to figure out what being playful means to them, and hopefully to share resources to help folks tap into that feeling of awe, wonder, and excitement that comes when we let go of plans and just exist.

So, wherever you go forward from here, remember,

make play a priority.